Risks of losing humidity control in your facility

Relative humidity (RH) is the ratio of amount of water vapour present in air, to the greatest amount possible at a given temperature. A RH of 30% indicates that at the current temperature, the air is only holding 30% of the moisture it could. Failing to maintain ideal levels of RH can cause health problems, employee discomfort and productions losses.

Symptoms of low relative humidity in:

Human health and comfort: Bloody noses, chapped and cracked lips, dry, itchy skin and eyes, itchy throat, cold and flu symptoms. It has been proven that relative humidity levels between 30% to 60% reduce the proliferation of virus (like COVID-19), bacteria and mold.

Risks of being out of recommended relative humidity levels in different industries:

Not complying within recommended parameters for humidity in industry risks to production losses. Below is listed some common production quality issues when humidity is not controlled.

Abrasives Low RH can cause the abrasives products become brittle and loss of production.
Cleanrooms, Laboratory. Not compliant with the good manufacturing practices standard, low quality product.
Facilities with volatile fumes/dust. Accumulation of static electricity that could ignite volatile fumes or dust.
Hatcheries Low or high RH affect hatching times. Also, maintaining an optimum RH level will benefit the first days of the chicks.
Plastic Existence of static electricity may lead to machinery breakdown.
Printing Dry paper and packaging leading to loss of raw material and low-quality end product.
Automotive (Quality laboratory). Reduced accuracy of the measuring equipment (CMM).
Textile Accumulation of static electricity may lead to fragile material and constant stop of production.
Woodworking Problems in gluing, cracked finishes, uneven surfaces and sunken joints.